The key in the lock now turned
But it was hard in the turning
Slow and cold
But the time of turning was promise-filled
As light and warmth and birdsong
Filtered through the slowly opening door
We wait for Spring and Spring comes
Stays a while and then gives way to a fiercer fire
But it was hard in the turning
Slow and cold
But the time of turning was promise-filled
As light and warmth and birdsong
Filtered through the slowly opening door
We wait for Spring and Spring comes
Stays a while and then gives way to a fiercer fire
Before the frost-locked time returns
There is a vibrant interlude of red and orange
Deep earth-tones of beauty to be beaten back to wood and bark
But for now I’ll stand out in this season's showers
And wait for its full flowering
* From Christina's Rossetti's poem Spring