Monday 9 August 2010

angle of lean

Israel worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

Who is this coming up from the desert leaning on her lover?

Look now, you are depending on Egypt, that splintered reed of a staff, which pierces a man's hand and wounds him if he leans on it! Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who depend on him.

Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money. Yet they lean upon the LORD and say, "Is not the LORD among us? No disaster will come upon us."

Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, "Lord, who is it?"

By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.

my staff
my understanding
my lover
my leader
my priest
my prophet
my Jesus
my God

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