Saturday 17 December 2011

advent wondering


I ask for grace-filled wonder to slip through the cracks 

I know I am surrounded by wide-eyed wonderment, so much that’s wonderful

But often don’t see or feel or know it any more as an ever-present reality, in the midst of worn-out cares

I pray for more light and more love in the swirling of the seasons

Backwards is a darkness that so swelled, but then receded at the appearing of the perfect child

I desire wider eyes each year with which to see the child as a man

I do not need to look, for the child is always there …

But, can I follow the Man?

What will happen if I do?

What will happen if I don’t?

I turn and turn on the knife-edge of choosing

In setting my face towards the warmth of sun, I know that you do not want me to pass through this season’s dark passage without lamp or map or the company of others

Your delight …?

The grace-filled seed of wonder that slipped through eternity’s fingers to the wide-eyed wonderment of a waiting world …

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